Timber Update December 2023
Industry news
- It was recently acknowledged at COP28 that timber is a crucial part of the construction industry’s future as an essential decarbonisation tool. A push for an increased use of timber was announced and celebrated by wood processing and manufacturing associations around the world.
- Timber Development UK (TDUK) have commented on the UK Government’s Timber Construction Policy Roadmap. The policy looks at potential opportunities and barriers to boosting timber construction in the UK. The Confederation of Timber Industries Chair, Alex Goodfellow states the roadmap is “a cast iron commitment[...]and is a pivotal moment for our exciting, low-carbon industry” which has been enthusiastically supported by the TDUK and Structural Timber Association.
Product Update
Do you stock fencing material alongside your C24?
Taylor Maxwell now offer fencing items such as 100 x 100 posts, gravel boards and feather edge in both green and brown as part of our stock profile, alongside imported carcassing at Rochester. If you’re requiring a couple of packs of fencing alongside your load of C24, CLS or battens, please call us on 020 3794 9377 or contact us here.
Stirling Wolves win rugby Super series Championship!
Our Stirling Regional Manager, Reyner Kennedy, closed his rugby season as the Stirling Wolves’ club captain with a team win that secured the Wolves with the top spot as FOSROC Super Series Champions. Head Coach, Eddie Pollock, noted that despite team injuries and a tough middle to the season, the team were able to step up in a big way to make the final match of the season count! The Stirling Wolves found the best way to work as a team and delivered a 10 point gap to the Ayrshire Bulls in the final.
Images: Bryan Robertson

Fun Fact!
Did you know the tallest living Christmas tree in the UK is at Wakehurst, a National Trust property in Sussex?
It takes the staff who manage the gardens, 12 hours, 2 cherry pickers and 1,800 lights to cover the 37m tree!
Image by Dan Kitwood, Getty Images from countryliving.com

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