Timber Update April 2020
In these unprecedented and changing times, the health and wellbeing of our employees, customers and suppliers is our priority and we have taken significant steps to minimise the potential spread of COVID-19.
As the UK moves into a further three weeks of lockdown, demand for construction and pallet wood timber remains resilient to support deliveries to vital functions in retail and healthcare, alongside key construction projects.
Whilst many sawmills, both in the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe have reduced output, our sawmill partners continue to operate following government social distancing measures and we remain committed to service key projects and sectors.
Our Rochester stocking operation also remains open and stocks are available with continued replenishment taking place for the time being.
To speak to a member of our team about our stock availability, click here.

Market Update
- Many Swedish sawmills are making significant production cuts due to the reduced demand globally
- The level of these cuts is expected to be between a 25-30% volume reduction in output
- Demand from Europe for timber is reported to have halved according to some reports
- A number of UK sawmills have closed production completely and most others are working on reduced output
- 63% of respondents to a Timber Trade Federation survey said they are accessing the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

With the warmer, sunnier weather we are experiencing, stock rotation is vitally important to maintain quality. Our team are always on hand to advise on storage, handling and of course, new supplies.
For more specific advice on storage and handling, please contact us to speak to one of our timber team on 0203 794 9377 or email enquiries@taylor.maxwell.co.uk

Timber Trade Federation (TTF) Learning Academy
We have, like most businesses, taken the decision to furlough some members of the team, with individuals from a cross section of the business, to ensure service levels are not impacted.
Many of our staff on furlough have taken the opportunity to attend the virtual Timber Trade Federation (TTF) learning academy. Courses range from accredited timber and product CPD modules, to videos and shorter bite-sized modules.
Through short courses, you and your team can learn about all aspects of the timber trade. Modules include responsible sourcing, timber cladding and fire safety; giving your team further knowledge to assist your customers. The vast majority of their courses are free to access and complete for TTF members.
For more information, click here.